Introducing the New Life Vest.

Your everyday bulletproof vest for high-risk activities like shopping, concerts, church, school, movies, dances, work and much, much more. Over 14,000 gun deaths so far this year. Why change gun laws? Just change clothes!

*Won’t protect against headshots, high-powered rifles, armor-piercing rounds or wide-pattern shotgun blasts. Common side effects include getting shot in the side, chafing, back pain and serious bruising. Now available in kid sizes grades K-12.

On the off chance you don’t want to carry 15 lbs. of steel around this summer and are one of the 71% of Americans who would like to see gun laws change, here are three steps proven to have a real impact.

Eliminate all new sales of military-style rifles to citizens

Enact national red flag laws

Enact a 7-day waiting period for all new gun ownership

Do you want this to be our new life?

Change The Ref gives the kids of today the tools they need to be empowered to make changes to critical issues that affect our nation through education, conversation, and activism. It uses creativity to bring focus to the NRA’s corrupt maneuvers to buy lawmakers, while inspiring solutions which are essential to healing mass shooting victims’ families’ lifelong grief. Change The Ref’s ultimate goal is to give the young generation a disrupting voice to help lead the way to change — a more peaceful future.

Founded in the memory of their son Joaquin who was one of the 17 Parkland victims, Manuel and Patricia Oliver are committed to ensuring real change in gun laws.

Join us in the fight against gun violence at